About the Districtwide Racial Equity Action Plan
On February 1, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced the launch of the Districtwide Racial Equity Action Plan - REAP (ENGLISH version) (SPANISH version). The REAP, a three-year roadmap, maps out steps DC government will take to reduce racial inequities and improve life for all Washingtonians.
Thank you to all the residents and community members who provided input and attended engagement events.
How does the Racial Equity Action Plan Affect Residents?
The Action Plan closely examines indicators to close gaps on the basis of race and ethnicity
across 7 dimensions of life that impact DC residents. We will use these indicators to coordinate
policies, practices, and programs across District Government to better the lives of
How does the Racial Equity Action Plan Affect Advocates?
The Action Plan includes a set of racial equity indicators that will help us to approximate and understand how residents might experience racial equity in DC.
This will allow us to work together to fulfill our commitment to deliver accountability and transparency to D.C. residents.
How does the Racial Equity Action plan Affect Government Agencies?
The Action Plan provides agencies with deeper insight and the opportunity to deliver inclusive
policies and practices for all DC residents.
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